Bernedoodle sizes

Bernedoodles size comparisons for adult Bernedoodles:

How big do Standard Bernedoodles get:

1. Standard Bernedoodle: A full grown Standard Bernedoodles size is usually ranging from 23 to 29 inches in height and weighing between 70 to 90 pounds or more.

How big do Medium Bernedoodles get:

2. Medium Bernedoodles: A full grown medium Bernedoodle size is between 50 to 69 pounds when .

How big do mini Bernedoodles get:

3. Mini Bernedoodle: A full grown Mini Bernedoodle size are smaller, with heights ranging from 18 to 22 inches and weights between 25 to 49 pounds.

3. Micro Bernedoodle: A full grown Micro Bernedoodle size, with heights under 18 inches and weights between 10 to 24 pounds.

The size of an adult size Bernedoodles can vary depending on the specific breeding, as it's a mixed breed dog resulting from Bernese Mountain Dogs and Poodles. If you're considering getting a Bernedoodle, it's important to discuss your size preferences with a reputable breeder to find the right fit for your lifestyle.


Bernedoodle life span


Bernedoodle coat colors